Aviation Safety Initiatives | We, Aero Asahi Corp. (AAC), provide emergency medical services, flying cars, air mobility, surveying, aerial laser, and GIS services.

Aviation Safety Initiatives

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Our Commitment to Safety

As the top management of an aviation company, it is our supreme priority to ensure that we will never be in an accident, and we are proud to have achieved 100,000 consecutive accident-free flight hours in August 2022.
At the same time, we will continue to pursue accident-free operations with stronger resolve, never forgetting the pain of the past accidents or letting down our guard. We will continue to focus on safe practices and follow-up in the field, and we will persist in our efforts.
In addition, to ensure the safety not only of our customers but also of all stakeholders involved in the aviation business, we declare the following.

  • 1We recognize that internal management and governance start with safety,
    and we make aviation safety a top priority regardless of the business conditions.
  • 2We remain committed to establishing, maintaining and evolving a culture of safety.
  • 3We recognize that human safety awareness inevitably degrades over time,
    and we work to prevent such degradation within the organization.
  • 4We promote the organized and systematic standardization of work.
  • 5We resist all temptation to disregard safety, and we create a corporate culture in which management
    and employees can adhere to procedures and regulations at all times, even in emergencies.
  • 6We do not hesitate to eliminate obstacles to the implementation of safety measures.
  • 7In addition to safety instructions, management and employees make a concerted effort to
    ensure that targeted goals do not become mere pipe dreams, and we constantly strive to reinforce this mindset in employees.

August 9, 2022
Aero Asahi Corporation
President and CEO, Aero Asahi Corp.President and CEO, Aero Asahi Corp.

Message from the Aviation Safety Officer


We aim for high operation and maintenance quality to ensure safety

The management foundation of Aero Asahi Corporation is “safety”.The mission of the aviation business is to meet customer needs and contribute to society through the safe operation and reliable maintenance of helicopters and business jets.
We proactively conduct education, training and safety promotion activities to ensure that each of our employees takes pride in being an aviation professional and maintains a high level of safety awareness. Furthermore, we strive to provide safe, high quality aviation services and reliable aircraft based on dependable maintenance, and we work daily to optimize the management and control systems that support these activities.
Currently, the aviation industry is being called on to adapt to next-generation air mobility, but the pursuit of safety remains Constant and unchanged.
We will continue to refine our skills and abilities every day, without becoming complacent, and maintain our commitment to safety, while living up to the trust of our customers and society by providing safe and reliable operation and maintenance.

Aviation Safety Officer
Chair of the Aviation Safety Promotion CommitteeChair of the Aviation Safety Promotion Committee,Mr.Tashiro

Aviation Business Division: Safety Instructions

01Adhering to Basics

Adhering to Basics

”Doing what we should do and not doing what we should not do”
This phrase permeates Aero Asahi in the sense of going back to basics and doing everything properly.

02Safety Assurance Initiatives

image:Safety Assurance Initiativesimage:Safety Assurance Initiatives

We are aware of our role and responsibilities regarding safety, and we perform our day-to-day work in accordance with the principles of safety first and compliance with laws and regulations.To ensure safety, we have introduced a safety management system and we constantly implement the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle.

It is said that accidents result from a chain of various unsafe events. It is important to identify unsafe events in advance and take steps to avoid risks. For this reason, we have established a reporting system to collect information on malfunctions and unsafe events in day-to-day operations, and the information is shared with all employees.

In the event of a malfunction or high-risk event, we conduct a factor analysis and implement preventive or recurrence prevention measures. The measures are regularly evaluated to check their effectiveness.

To ensure safe aviation services, our pilots, mechanics, flight managers and others undergo thorough education and training to acquire a high level of knowledge and skills. On the basis of proper flight and maintenance procedures, we place great emphasis on education and training to enhance safety awareness.

In addition, the Aviation Safety Promotion Committee (chaired by the head of the Aviation Business Division who is also the Aviation Safety Officer), consisting of directors or executive officers from the Aviation Business Division and the Administration Division as well as heads of control departments, meets monthly or as needed. The committee reviews malfunctions and unsafe events and monitors the implementation status of safety measures, and it works closely with on-site Aviation Safety Committee members who are involved in day-to-day operations.

address issues in the safety management system. Through executive-led safety patrols, we also exchange opinions with employees working on site.

Going forward, we will continue to strive to foster a culture of safety and pursue even safer operations and maintenance, centered on the leadership of our executives and the professionalism and sense of responsibility of our front-line workers.

Safety Education

At Aero Asahi, we provide the following safety education to all employees with the aim of ensuring safe aviation services on a daily basis.

01Safety Management

image:Safety Management

Employees learn about the objectives of safety management, an overview of safety management regulations, risk management, internal safety reporting system, recurrence prevention measures and preventive measures, division of responsibility for safety, safety audits, and culture of safety.

02Sharing Unsafe Events

image:Sharing Unsafe Events

Participants review past accident cases and learn about the causes of accidents and measures to prevent recurrence as well as the importance of ensuring and maintaining aviation safety.

03Resource Management (RM) Training

image:Resource Management (RM) Training

All employees including pilots, mechanics and flight managers undergo RM training, gaining basic knowledge of human factors, experiencing human error, and enhancing teamwork by effectively utilizing human resources, hardware and information to ensure safe aviation services.

04Hazard Prediction Training

image:Hazard Prediction Training

Participants engage in group discussions to identify unsafe factors and the phenomena they may cause in the workplace and work situations, and learn to enhance their hazard prediction skills.

05Fatigue Risk Education

image:Fatigue Risk Education

Participants learn about general sleep hygiene as well as basic matters concerning fatigue in the aviation sector, and its impact on the flight crew.

06Alcohol Education

image:Alcohol Education

In order to prevent improper incidents caused by drinking, participants learn about the dangers of alcohol, and impact on work.

Safety Awareness Activities

01Workplace Safety Meeting

image:Workplace Safety Meeting

Organization managers take the lead in holding monthly meetings in each workplace to consider countermeasures and confirm precautions regarding workplace issues and safety concerns from the perspective of recurrence prevention or prevention.

02Aviation Safety Conference

image:Aviation Safety Conference

We hold an Aviation Safety Conference to enhance safety knowledge and awareness through safety-related lectures and panel discussions. We renew our commitment to aviation safety and pledge to ensure safe aviation services.

03Aviation Safety Day

image:Aviation Safety Day

Between 1989 and 1990, the company experienced a series of aviation accidents. In response to recommendations for improvement from the Ministry of Transport (now the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism) on October 5, 1990, we conducted a fundamental review of our Safety and created a framework for safe aviation services.To mark Aero Asahi’s fresh start, we designated October 5th as Aviation Safety Day, and every year we hold events to pray for safety.

04The company solicits applications internally for Aviation Safety Slogans,
Junior Aviation Safety Posters and Aviation Safety Promotion Works.

With the aim of integrating employees’ families into our safety activities, we are calling for applications for Aviation Safety Slogans, Junior Aviation Safety Posters and Aviation Safety Promotion Works from employees and their families. We have been conducting this activity since 1992, and each year we receive close to 600 entries.


Aviation Safety Slogan

*Best Entries in 2023

image:Junior Aviation Safety Poster
image:Junior Aviation Safety Poster

Junior Aviation Safety Poster

*Best Entries in 2023

image:Aviation Safety Promotion Works

Aviation Safety Promotion Works

*Best Entries in 2023

05Safety Report

Safety Report

*Jump to Japanese website